Lake Atitlan Insider’s Tour – July 2023

In July, 2023 Rotarian John Barrie led a group of five Ann Arbor, Michigan Rotarians on a Rotary Insider’s Tour of Lake Atitlan, offered by the Rotary Club of Lake Atitlan (RoCLA).

I spent the summer in Guatemala starting a new program working with local midwives to bring solar lights and water filters to families about to have babies. I hosted a group of Rotary Club members from the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor North and Panajachel Guatemala. We installed solar power and water filters on several houses + we checked out a project where we will bring water to a village in the highlands.

John Barrie, group leader

With the goal of introducing Rotarians who are interested in supporting projects around Lake Atitlan to worthwhile projects vetted by RoCLA, our club organizes the daily excursions selected according to the interests of the visiting clubs. This may include projects such as community water systems development, economic development and education for women and girls or reduction of CO2 emissions through the installation of improved cookstoves.  

Each day’s excursion is hosted by a member of the Rotary Club of Lake Atitlan, living in different villages around the lake. An informative, inspiring and memorable time was had by all. Visit this link to learn about one day’s activities.